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An account of the island of Ceylon, containing its history, geography, natural history, with the manners and customs of its various inhabitants.; to which is added the journal of an embassy to the court of Candy

Percival, Robert (1765-1826)


Электронная копия

  • Заглавие:
    An account of the island of Ceylon, containing its history, geography, natural history, with the manners and customs of its various inhabitants.; to which is added the journal of an embassy to the court of Candy
  • Шифр хранения:
  • Описание: Percival R. An account of the island of Ceylon, containing its history, geography, natural history, with the manners and customs of its various inhabitants.; to which is added the journal of an embassy to the court of Candy / by Robert Percival. - 2d ed. - London : C. and R. Balwin, 1805. - 1, [V]-VII, [2], [IX]-XII, 446 c.; фронт. (ил.) : ил., карт. ; 30 см.
  • Редакция: 2d ed.
  • Автор: Percival, Robert (1765-1826)
  • Язык: Английский
  • Примечания: Containing some Particulars of the recent Hostilities with the King of Candy
    Illustrated by a map, charts, and Engravings of some interesting scenes in the island
    The second edition: with an appendix
    Эл. копия выполнена ООО "Электронные книги"
    Копия доступна в Электрон. б-ке РНБ
  • Предметные рубрики: Шри-Ланка
  • Коллекции: Книжные памятники РНБ;
    Иностранный книжный фонд
  • Находится в библиотеках: NLR
  • Системный номер: NLR01 010138602

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