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The songs of Burns : for voice and pianoforte


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  • Заглавие:
    The songs of Burns : for voice and pianoforte
  • Шифр хранения: М 235-4/Б.514
  • Описание: The songs of Burns [Ноты] : for voice and pianoforte / with symphonies and accompaniments by John Kenyon Lees and introduction & historical notes by H.C. Shelley. - London : Bayley & Ferguson, 1896. - XXXII, 248, [10] c. : ил., портр. ; 34 см.. - На с. [1-3]: Алф. указ. песен и иллюстраций.
  • Язык: Английский;Scots
  • ББК: Щ943.4-42-043.3(4Вл=Ш)я43
  • Аннотация: Изд. посвящ. 100-летию со дня смерти Р. Бёрнса. Содержит его обработки шотландских песен с указанием мелодий известных вокальных произведений, на которые они распевались. Изд. иллюстрировано портретами и сюжетными гравюрами известных художников, фотографиями. В конце изд. аннотации к каждой песне.
  • Примечания: [1]. There was a lad was born in Kyle / tune. "O gin ye were deid, guidman". [2]. Gae bring to me a pint o`wine. [3]. Of a`the airts the wind can blaw / tune "Miss Admiral Gordon`s Strathspey". [4]. Lassie wi` the lint-white locks / tune: "Rothiemurchus Rant". [5]. Craigie-burn wood: "Sweet fa`s the eve on Craigie-burn" / tune: Craigieburn wood. [6]. I gaed a waefu` gate yestreen / tune: My only jo, and dearie O. [7]. It is na, Jean, thy bonnie face / tune: "Pinkie House". [8]. Whistle o`er the the lave o`t: "First when Maggie was my care". [9]. Afton water: "Flow gently, sweet Afton, among thy green braes / melody by A. Hume. [10]. O Willie brew`da peck o` maut. [11]. Corn Rigsare bonnie: "It was upon a Lammasnight / tune: Corn Rigs. [12]. Tam Glen: My heart is abreakin`, dear titttie / tune: "The muckin` o` Geordie`s Byre". [13]. My love she`s but a lassie yet / air: "Put up your dagger, Jamie". [14]. The weary pund o`tow; [15]. My Nannie`s awa`: "Now in her green mantle blythe nature arrays". [16]. Jockey`s ta`en the parting kiss / tune: Bonnie lassie tak` a man. [17]. Duncan Gray: "Duncan Gray cam` here woo" / tune: Duncan Gray. [18]. Af fond kiss. [19]. Wilt thou be my deary? / tune: The Sutor`s Dochter. [20]. A Highland lad my love was born / tune: "The white Cockade". [21]. The galant weaver: "Where Cart rins rowin` to the sea" / tune: "The Weaver`s march". [22]. John Anderson, my jo / tune: John Anderson my jo. [23]. Sleep`st thou or wak`st thou / tune: "Deil tak the wars". [24]. I hae a wife o` my ain. [25]. My ain kind dearie, O: "When o`er the hill the eastern star" / tune: "The Lea Rig". [26]. Here`s a health to ane i lo`e dear / tune: Here`s a health to ane that`s awa`. [27]. Ay wakin`, O!; [28]. My heart is sair. [29]. To Mary in heaven: "Thou ling`ring star with less`ning ray" / tune: "Mary`s dream" (old set.).
    [30]. O were my love yon lilac fair / tune: "Hughie Graham". [31]. Oh! whistle and i`ll come to you, by lad / tune: "Whistle, and i`ll come to you". [32]. Phillis the fair: "While larks, with little wing" / tune: "Robin Adair". [33]. O my love is like a red, red rose / tune: Low down in the broom. [34]. Comin` thro` the rye: "Gin a body meet a body". [35]. Wandering Willie: "Here awa`, there awa`, wandering Willie" / tune: Here awa` there awa`. [36]. Auld Rob Morris: "There`s auld Rob Morris"; [37]. The Birks of Aberfeldy: "Bonnie lassie, will ye go". [38]. My heart`s in the Highlands / tune: "Crochallan". [39]. My tocher`s the jewel: "O meikle thinks my love o` my beauty" / tune: "The Muckin` o` Geordie`s Byre". [40]. Gala water: "Braw, braw lads on Yarrow braes". [41]. Mary Morison: "O Mary, at thy window be" / tune: The Miller. [42]. Dainty Davie: "Now rosy May comes in wi` flo`rs" / tune: "Dainty Davie". [43]. O poortith cauld / tune: "I had a horse". [44]. A rose-bud by my early walk / tune: "The Shepherd`s wife". [45]. The sodger`s return: "When wild war`s deadly blast was blawn" / air: "The Mill, Mill O". [46]. O wert thow in the cauld blast / Mendelssohn. [47]. O thisis no my ain lassie / tune: This is no my ain lassie. [48]. O bonnie was yon rosy brier / tune: "Laggan burn". [49]. The bonnie lass o` Ballochmylle: "`Twas eventhe dewy fields were green" / Melody by W-m Jackson. [50]. The Highland lassie: "Nae gentle dames" / tuhne: "The deuks dang o`er my daddie". [51]. Oh! open the door / tune: "The Braes o` Boyndlie". [52]. Logan braes: "O Logan, sweetly didst thou glide" / tune: "Logan Water". [53]. Last May a braw wooer / tune: "The Lothian lassie". [54]. Powers celestial! / tune: "Macgilchrist`s Lament". [55]. My Peggy`s face. [56]. O lay thy loof in mine, lass / tune: "The Cordwainer`s March".
    [57]. Where are the joys? / tune: "Saw ye my father". [58]. Ye banks and braes / tune: "The Caledonian Hunt`s delight". [59]. There was a lass and she was fair / tune: "Willie was a wanton wag". [60]. Ca` the yowes to the knowes. [61]. Green grow the rashes, O! / tune: "We`re a` dry wi` drinkin o`t". [62]. On Cessnock banks / tune: "The cardin` o`t". [63]. Blythe, blythe, and merry was she / tune: "Andro and his cutty gun". [64]. An` O, for ane-an`twenty, Tam! / tune: "The Moudiewort". [65]. Thou hast left me ever, Jamie! / tune: " Fee him, Father". [66]. Highland Mary: "Ye banks and braes" / tune: "Katherine Ogie". [67]. O luve will venture in / tune: "The Rosie". [68]. Musing on the roaring ocean / Gaelic tune: "Druimionn Dhu". [69]. The deil`s awa` wi` the exciseman: "The deil cam` fiddling thro` the town" / tune: "The Hemp-dresser". [70]. My Nannie, O: "Behind yon hills where Lugar flows". [71]. Contented wi` little / tune: "The wee, wee, man" ; melody adapted by J.K.L.. [72]. Awa`, Whigs, awa`!; [73]. Hey, ca` thro`: "Up wi` the carles o` Dysart": (Boat Song); [74]. A man`s a man for a` that: "Is there, for honest poverty". [75]. The gloomy night / air: "Roslin Castle". [76]. O were i on Parnassus hill / tune: "My love is lost to me". [77]. Lord Gregory: "O mirk, mirk is the midhight hour"; [78]. Lovely Polly Stewart: "O lovely Polly Stewart"; [79]. O let me in this ae night: "O lassie, art thou sleepin` yet". [80]. O! Willie brew`d a peck o` maut / Shore. [81]. Scots, wha ha`e wi` Wallace bled / tune: "Hey tutti tattie". [82]. From thee, Eliza / tune: "Donald". [83]. The banks of the devon: "How pleasant the banks of the clear winding Devon" / tune: "The maids of Arrachar" ; melody adapted by J.K.L.. [84]. The blude red rose at Yule may blaw / tune: "To daunton me".
    [85]. Up in the morning early: "Cauld blaws the wind frae East to West" / tune: "Cold and Raw". [86]. Stay, my charmer / Gaelic tune: "The Black-haired lad". [87]. My wife`s a winsome wee thing. [88]. Behold tge hour, the boat arrive! / tune: "Oran Gaoil". [89]. Farewell, thou fair day ; or, The Song of Death / tune: "Oran an aoig". [90]. O Kenmure`s on and awa`, Willie. [91]. O wha is she that lo`es me? / tune: "Morag". [92]. Turn again, thou fair Eliza. [93]. Bonnie wee thing / tune: "The bonnie wee thing". [94]. How lang and dreary is the night / tune: "Cauld Kail in Aberdeen". [95]. I`m owre young to marry yet; [96]. O saw ye bonnie Lesley?. [97]. My spouse, Nancy: "Husband, husband cease your strife" / tune: "My jo, Janet". [98]. I dream`d i lay. [99]. She`s fair and fause / tune: "The lads o` Leith". [100]. O wat ye wha`s in yon town? / tune: "I`ll gae nae mair to yon toun!". [101]. Auld lang syne: "Should auld acquaintance be forgot" / tune: "I fee`d a lad at Michaelmas"
    Изд. подготовлено к 100-летию со дня смерти Р. Бёрнса.
    На форзацный лист вклеен дарственный лист: Presented to The National Library Of Russia St. Petersburg from The St. Petersburg Forum Scotland; February 2009.
    На с. [1-3]: Алф. указ. песен и иллюстраций.
  • Предметные рубрики: Бёрнс Роберт -- (1759-1796);
    Песни Роберта Бёрнса -- Клавиры
  • Коллекции: Отдел нот и звукозаписей
  • Находится в библиотеках: NLR
  • Системный номер: NLR01 010402367

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